Bachelor-/Masterthesis (m/w/d): Development of a concept and implementation of a control algorithm for battery storage converter with grid following and grid forming functionality

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AEG Power Solutions GmbH

Emil-Siepmann-Str. 32
59581 Warstein-Belecke

AEG Power Solutions offers a wide range of future-oriented career opportunities for people with the appropriate skills and the drive to make the difference in an agile, customer-focused, and global organization. AEG Power Solutions is looking for team players who want to continue to efficiently secure power supply to all types of infrastructures, contribute to renewable energy integration with its energy storage solutions and hydrogen production solution.

Put the skills you have acquired during your studies into practice and complete your final thesis with us.

Battery energy storage will be a major aspect of the transition in a decarbonized world. AEG Power Solutions is a worldwide supplier of power electronics for battery energy storage in the megawatt size connected to the medium voltage grid. 
Battery storage converters are able to feed in power into the grid. Therefor these types of units must be comply with different Grid Codes. There are various Grid Codes worldwide. For Germany the VDE AR4110 is valid. For this application the unit must work in grid following mode and must provide grid services. 
Another application, mainly in countries without a stable grid, is the supply of a microgrid in case of an outage of the public grid without voltage gap (seamless transition). For this application the unit must work in grid forming mode and must generate the micro grid. Also, a collaboration with other devices (PV inverter, Diesel generators) is usual in microgrids. 

Task description

  • Familiarize with different worldwide Grid Codes and summarize the requirements
  • Develop a control concept for a device that is able to provide grid forming and grid following functionality in accordance with the Grid Codes
  • Development of simulation model, simulative verification
  • Development of converter-near control software in C for a STM32F7 microcontroller based on the AEG style guides
  • Commissioning and test of the control system with power hardware
  • Documentation as a basis for certification processes


  • Ongoing studies with a focus on electrical engineering

  • Ability to work in a team and good communication skills
  • Openness and flexibility to challenges
  • Ability to organize independently 
  • Ability to work independently and conscientiously

What we offer:

  • An innovative, global company that combines tradition with modernity

  • A modern team 

  • We deal with the future technologies of tomorrow, with your work you can help shape them in a groundbreaking way

  • Exciting tasks in the field of energy supply (from classic areas to the energy transition)

  • Excellent working atmosphere and adequate space for your ideas; it is explicitly desired that you contribute actively

  • A positive welcome culture and excellent induction by our experienced colleagues

  • Large canteen with a wide selection on the company premises

Please feel free to send us your documents to:

We look forward to receiving your application documents!
We generally ask you to refrain from sending paper applications - in doing so, you and we are making a contribution to environmentally conscious behavior.

AEG Power Solutions GmbH

Emil-Siepmann-Str. 32
59581 Warstein-Belecke

Bitte im Betreff der Bewerbung folgende Referenznummer angeben: KOL-641588


Lea-Antonia Lüning

Frau Lea-Antonia Lüning

Global Recruiter

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Bachelor-/Masterthesis (m/w/d): Development of a concept and implementation of a control algorithm for battery storage converter with grid following and grid forming functionality

AEG Power Solutions GmbH
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